Riding - Part 1

Riding - Part 1

The day had started early with a beautiful sunrise. Jenny had been up since 5 o'clock and had seen the dawn breaking over the fields as she walked down towards the paddock. She had greeted Charlie, her black stallion, with a small bucket of oats for his breakfast and had started to tack him up after cleaning out his stall.

Jenny took off her fleece jacket and finished getting him ready in her jodhpurs and t-shirt. Ten minutes later and they were riding along the beach at the beginning of a bright summer's day. There was a gentle breeze blowing in with the waves but it was already about seventy degrees. It had been almost a week since the last time Jenny had gotten out with Charlie. She usually managed it more often than this but the last month had been pretty hectic and stressful. She felt so much better now with the wind in her hair and the smell of the sea in her nostrils. Her heart was pumping with the exercise and she felt alive. She was also beginning to feel the effects of the saddle bumping against her fanny and that was adding to her heartbeat.

The spray from the crashing waves was being blown over them both and that was helping to keep them cool. Jenny looked down at herself and was somewhat shocked to see that her thin t-shirt was wet, clinging to her skin and virtually transparent. She could plainly see her dark nipples standing out against the material and her full breasts were bouncing around as they rode. She couldn’t stop herself from sitting a little heavier in the saddle as she felt the motion of the horse beneath her rubbing harder against her clitoris. Her face flushed a little more as a little orgasm began to well up inside her. She closed her eyes for a moment as the sensations built up. This had come as a surprise – she couldn’t believe it but she was about to cum as she rode Charlie. She let out a little involuntary moan and that made her open her eyes.

Coming down the beach in the opposite direction she could see a man walking hi... Læs hele novellen

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