

Lorenna sat on her bed. The satin felt cool on her skin, and a chill breeze came in from the open window, making her nipples hard, sending goosebumps up her arms. She idly fingered herself, feeling her fingers slide slowly over her wet clit, as the clock approached the appointed hour.

At midnight, the bedside phone rang. She let it ring once. Twice. Three times, making him wonder if shed pick up at all. Four times. Five times. Right before the answering machine picks up, she presses the "speaker phone" button.

"Hello James," she whispered into the phone, sultry, satin.

Her slave was on the other end of the phone, following her instructions to a tee. He was naked, kneeling on the floor, the cell-phone headset on. He was teetering at the very edge of orgasm, his cock lubed up with hand lotion. His voice was breathy, unsteady, submissive, and with an edge of fear.

"Hello Mistress Lorenna."

Lorenna smiled, taking her time. She knew he wants it. She could hear his desire, his frustration. She sits up in her bed, her bare feet dangling over the edge. She visualized him there, kissing her toes, worshipping her feet and legs. She felt like a Goddess when he worshiped her, dutifully exploring and licking and massaging every inch of her body. She feet like such a queen as he broke apart for her, crumbling, frayed at the edges.

"Slave James, have you done all of the things I asked of you?"

"Yes Mistress," he breathed, his hand still sliding carefully up and down his well-lubricated shaft. Too much stimulation and hed go off. Hed been close several times tonight, as per her instructions.

Once per hour, she required him to take a digital photograph of himself. In each photograph, he is hard and horny, at the very edge of orgasm. Each time, its been so hard to snap the humiliating photo, and then put his pants back on. He didnt want to do these things (well, deep down, he did), but it pleased his Mistress.. and James was afraid of the consequences of i... Læs hele novellen

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