

I was walking towards the bathroom, wearing only my underpants as I intended to have a shower before getting dressed for the day.

The only other person home with me was my granddaughter Jessica.

My wife had already left for work ½ an hour ago.

I wasn’t worried that Jessica would see me in my underpants as she’d seen me dressed that way many times in the past.

“Granddad” Jess called out to me from the spare bedroom where I kept my computer.

“Yes sweetheart?” I answered as I pushed opened the door and walked in.

“This dam computer of yours keeps on freezing on me.” She said looking cross at my computer as if that’d make it work properly.

I looked at her sitting in my chair.

She was nearly 16 years of age, with longish blonde hair.

She was wearing a tight fitting top that clearly showed her small breasts and she was also wearing a dark blue short skirt.

She had long thin legs and when standing, was about 5ft 9ins tall.

I pretended to look at the computer screen, while secretly staring at where her shirt finished on her lap.

Even though I knew it was wrong for me to try to perv up Jess’s short skirt, I’d had a crush on her for many years.

True, it would be incest if ever I carried out my secret fantasies with her, and could lead to a long term in Jail.

But you couldn’t be sent to Jail for having dirty and immoral thoughts.

Many nights I’d fall asleep dreaming of Jessica and I making tender sweet love together.

Even though I knew it’d never happen, it was a very pleasant way to fall asleep.

I’d told Jessica ages ago how I felt about her and she didn’t appear to be greatly upset about the knowledge.

I couldn’t see up her skirt because she had her thighs tightly closed together so I gave up pretending and said to her, “Okay, let me sit down and try to work out why it’s not working properly.”

Jessica stood up and as she did so, the chair rolled backwards and I sat myself down in it, preparing to have a look at the com... Læs hele novellen

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