The auction

The auction

David had heard rumors of it for years, had read a few articles on male submissive but had feared treading into this world. The gathering was to be tonight, back in the woods at an old barn so he had heard. What could it hurt to take a peek? The whisper of the wind on this cool September night chased a shiver up his spine as he crept up to the window of the barn. Peering over the edge he gasped. Men from the age of eighteen up stood dressed in collars both around their necks and their balls. Making their balls extend outward, and most were sporting a semi erection. At the back of the collars ran a chain downward and was attached to their wrist which were bound with heavy leather cuffs. A spreader bar ran between their legs, keeping their privates totally exposed and helpless. The sight in itself made Davids own cock throb with excitement and grow to an excruciating hard on. Pressing as much as possible against his jeans.

The crowd of on lookers were a mix of both men and women. As the auctioneer gathered his papers and entered into the center of the nude slaves, all grew quite. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, as you know we are here to auction off these fine slaves for one week of service to the highest bidder. Id like at this time to invite you to inspect the slaves." said the auctioneer.

One by one, the bidders approached each slave, pulling, rolling the slaves dangling balls in their hands, twisting and pinching nipples and prying their ass cheeks apart to examine every inch of the bound slaves. Leaving the slaves squirming in place. Several of the bidders took time to stop and taste the goods as well, making the slaves erections more evident. Moans filled the room as the bidders returned to their seats.

"For those of you who are new here, at this time Id like with the help of a few of the folks here to demonstrate the obedience of the slaves here. Id like a man and a woman to volunteer." said the auctioneer.

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