The bank robbers

The bank robbers

The bank teller smiled warmly as he watched the pretty young woman walk towards his window. She looked to be about nineteen years old and was wearing tight riding jeans and boots. Her golden hair was cut short and boyish and her blue eyes sparkled as she returned the tellers smile. "What can I do for you today, Miss?" "Ive come to make a withdrawal" she drawled in a sweet Western accent. "Im embarrassed to say I dont remember seeing you before, Miss...err.." "Barret" "Sorry, Mam. Do you have your account number and some identification?" Jane Barrett calmly raised a small handgun and pointed it straight at the tellers face. "How about this?" She smiled as she watched his expression turn from shock to amusement. "You dont really think youre gonna rob this bank with that little ladies gun, do you? If you shoot me with that itll more than likely make me real mad!" "Well, after I make you real mad with my little ladies gun, my boyfriend over there is gonna make you real dead with his Colt 45." The tellers face froze as he looked across the room and saw a young cowboy standing with his gun drawn.

There were a few customers in the bank and an old woman shouted "Oh my God! Its a bank robbery!" A panic-stricken mother clutched her young daughter to her side. "Thats right!" The young man hollered out. "Everybody stay calm and nobody will get hurt! You heard the young lady, Mister. She wants to make a withdrawal. Empty your cashbox into that sack shes got and dont try anything funny." Will Fullerton and Jane Barrett had been passing through this sleepy little town on the edge of the prairie and Jane couldnt resist the lure of an easy job. Not a whole lot of money to be had here, but then again, not real hard to take either. The teller glared at Jane as he began filling her sack with cash from his box. Just as he was finishing, the sheriff burst into the bank. "Just put that gun down, Miss. I wouldnt want to have to hurt a sweet little thing like you." The sheriff had a sho... Læs hele novellen

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