Visitation with mom

Visitation with mom

I guess my reluctance showed somewhat because my dad questioned me about it. It was easy to tell him the truth, which was that I loved Mom and liked being with her, but it meant giving up a lot of things I preferred doing. He promised to mention it to Mom when they next spoke.

So Mom brought it up when she came to take me for the holiday after I spent Christmas with my dad's family.

So, you think I'm an old fuddy-duddy, is that it?

I had to laugh at that. Mom was hardly old, not quite 38 at the time, and startlingly pretty. She kept her blonde hair cut short, was very active and in great shape. When I would bring a friend along to visit when she had some big event planned for our time together, he'd always note how pretty she was. Mom was about five and a half feet tall, small a-cup breasts, with long legs and a sexy, round butt. Even before puberty I knew she was a piece of work.

Nah, I said, it's just that I like hanging out with my friends and doing stuff. You know what I mean.

Mom glanced at me while she drove and asked, Are some of your friends girlfriends?

Well, some of my friends are girls, yeah. They hang out with us, too. But I don't have like a real girlfriend. Mostly we meet up at parties and stuff or after school. It kind of sucks when you can't drive. I mean, Dad said he's more than willing to drive me and a date to the movies or whatever, but how uncool is that? Like I have to sit in front with her in the back. It sucks.

Okay, Bill, she said. I understand and your father and I talked about it. Hey, you're older now, so I'm not going to make you come with me, although I hope you'll want to now and again.

We didn't talk much after that, and I felt rotten. It almost sounded like I was rejecting her. But it was just the logisitics of the whole thing.

Mom lived in a fairly big city and had a big apartment with a grand view of the lights from the twelfth floor. When we got there I dumped my bag in my bedroom and joined her in the liv... Læs hele novellen

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