Development - sequel to disobedience

Development - sequel to disobedience

For the three days it took to to do my writing I was very frightened about the punishment that I was to receive. I had never had punishment on my vagina and the knowledge that the penalty was increasing daily, made me very worried indeed. In the hours before my husband came home on that day, my vagina and pubic area was waxed completely free of all hair. I took great care to make sure that the lady doing the waxing did not see my marked bottom. I showered very thoroughly, taking special care to clean my anus as far as possible. At the proper time I prepared my husbands evening meal and removed all my clothing ready to receive him. As soon as his car came into our drive I went and knelt in the front hall with my knees apart so that he would see as soon as he came in that I was properly prepared for my punishment.

When he came in he kissed me gently on the head and told me to stand up. He ran his hand over my pubic mound and kissed me passionately on the lips. I could tell that he was pleased with the smoothness he felt. He ate dinner in a leisurely way while I served his wine. I had eaten earlier in the day, as instructed, so that I would not have to be punished shortly after a full meal.

When the meal was finished and I had cleared away, I was instructed to go and kneel before the bedroom mirror. I took my position and clasped my hands behind my back. My husband came in and removed the belt from his trousers. It is brown leather, one and a half inches wide and very supple. He has worn the same belt since before I met him and he is never without it. As he folded the belt to take the buckle and opposite end into his firm hand I trembled and tears welled in my eyes before I had received a single stroke. In his strong, firm voice my husband asked me how many strokes I was to receive.

"Sixteen Sir" I replied. He confirmed that I was correct and told me that I must call out the strokes as I received them. My husband raised his arm and I watched the belt i... Læs hele novellen

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