Insatiable slave

Insatiable slave

The grandfather clock in the hall chimed ten times. He looked at the clock on his desk. Ten P.M. He had been working for hours. A slight smirk crossed his full lips as he mumbled to himself, "Enough work, now it is time to play. "

He rose from the leather chair, stretching to try and relieve cramped muscles. With a sigh he turned toward the office door, smirking again as he began to picture his precious one. He knew she was just down the hall. He knew she heard the chime and he knew she was waiting. As always. It was almost ritual for them. She would be sitting, legs curled under her, on the footstool of his favorite chair. A black corset would adorn her, lifting her breasts proudly. Circling milky thighs would be silky black garter belts, which held up equally silky stockings. Thinking of her like that made him tremble. He dropped a hand to rub his already stirring cock through his slacks. He was eager to get to her. He found himself moving down the hall, anticipation driving him faster. Soon he found himself at the door to the den. He stopped there, one hand on the door, taking a moment to compose himself. With a mild push he opened the door.

There she was, just as he imagined. She was looking down, golden locks spilling down her back making her skin look so pale. His entrance caused her to tense. He could see her muscles ripple and her skin begin to blush. Without any words he walked to her, his six foot four frame towering over her. He slowly ran a finger across her shoulder, just to feel her tremble. A soft chuckle emitted from him as he lowered into his chair. She glanced at him as he sat, eyes round and liquid. She was terrified. Terrified and loving every minute of it. He settled back, eyes hooding a little. He watched her stiffen as he drew breath in to speak, "Tend to me."

She slid from the stool and to her knees before him. Nimble fingers moved to rid him of his leather dress shoes. Soon she moved up to his belt, shaky hands unbuckling it. ... Læs hele novellen

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