On the train

On the train

Jan Ormand made her way through the crush of rush hour pedestrians and literally fought her way to the stairway that led to the subway beneath down town Chicago’s State Street. “Good grief I pray my car’s ready for tomorrow,” she muttered under her breath while slipping a buck and a half to the toll taker who sat in an air conditioned booth one flight above the tracks. It was hot in Chicago, at least ninety with about eighty percent humidity! For the past week Jan had been forced to use public transportation since her car was in the shop with a bad transmission. The fifty one year old insurance executive stood on the platform with thousands of the commuters waiting for a north bounder. As a Green Line train slowly slid into the station, a voice over the loud speaker announced, “This train will be non stop all the way to Fullerton!” “If you need to get off at an earlier stop please wait for the next train!” There were hundreds of groans as the doors to the just stopped cars popped open, allowing a flood of passengers to rush for the few remaining seats. Jan didn’t even try to get one of the sit downs, instead taking a place in the aisle and standing like a packed sardine with the other riders. Bodies were literally squished together as more and more people tried to jam themselves onto the now overloaded cars. Even though the air conditioning was working overtime, with all the hot sweaty bodies pressed together it was almost unbearably uncomfortable. Jan was beginning to feel a little light headed as the train lurched forward, but it would have been impossible for her to fall even if she had passed out. So as the train pulled out of the State and Randolph stop, Jan closed her eyes hoping the trip would be over quickly.

They hadn’t gone more than a few blocks when the aroma of stale beer filled her nostrils, almost causing her gag reflex to make her hurl! She opened her eyes only to find that young man of about twenty two or so was pressing up against her with their... Læs hele novellen

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