

My boyfriend likes my sister, Alexa. When I was away last year he took her out a couple of times, not as a date, but in order to be closer to me, virtually. Alexa is my twin.

Alexa was always quieter than I and never had the luck with guys--not all good luck, by any means--that I did. But she did like Robert and came along with us sometimes to the movies, or out on a picnic, or to a party when she was alone. I didnt mind; we were twins.

Last New Years Rob and I threw a party at our house. It was very successful and a lot of our friends turned up. Alexa met a seemingly-nice guy named Jim and danced with him most of the evening. Just after midnight, however, I found her alone in the bathroom in a flood of tears.

"Whats wrong?" I helped her off the floor and onto the commode seat. I wet a hand-towel and wiped her face. "Where is Jim?"

"We had an argument," she sobbed.

"Blow your nose," I told her.

She blew her nose into the hand towel and explained: "He wanted me to go home with him and I said no and he wanted to--hic--know why and I told him I liked him but I didnt think I should go home with him on the first--hic--date and we were all right for a while but after a while he started to--"

"Okay, okay," I said. "I get it."

She sniffed loudly. "Im a moron, arent I?"

I told her she was but I kissed her on the forehead to show her it was all right. "Where is he now?" I asked.

"Gone," she said morosely. "I think."

I left for a moment to circuit the house but Jim was indeed gone. Bastard.

"You stay here tonight," I told her. She was legally drunk anyway and I wasnt driving her home. I was a little drunk myself. And I wanted my sister.

"Youre sure?" she said.

"Of course, Im sure." I guided her back downstairs and into the kitchen and made her eat some food.

"Rob wont mind?"

A hilarious image ripped through my mind. "Rob wouldnt mind it if you fucked him," I said aloud.

She sprayed Doritos and dip into her hand. "Kathy!"

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Hotwife 22, 22

Jeg er en hotwife på 22 år, som kan lide at skrive noveller. Jeg vil gerne inspireres af en moden Bull til min nye novelle. Skriv til mig....

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