Shopping trip

Shopping trip

I looked over at Rachael, she was sitting down on the couch watching something on television. She was wearing some black skirt and that blasted white blouse I hated. Our daughter was at daycare until 530, we had the whole day to ourselves. I sat by the fireplace pretending to be reading one of my novels, but actually scrutinizing her outfit as she sat there. Really that shirt needs to go, the skirt, eh….it was ok. I tilted my head as I looked more closely at her. She was very pretty, just needed some help picking out some new clothes.

Rachael turned her head toward me, "what?" She raised her eyebrows obviously worried about what I had been thinking. I shrugged my shoulders, "nothing, really." She gave me one more look before turning away again. I laid my book down on the floor and went over to stand before her. She just sat there and looked at me. She started to say something, but she could tell by the look I was giving her that it would be better not to say anything ahelped Rachael a time or two in sucking off some hard cock. As a matter of fact, I know he would love to see me fucked by 2 or more guys. In time that may happen, but right now I have not found anyone but my husband who can turn me on that way. So we settle for finding guys we can meet on late nights and he sucks while I take pictures. Our life is never boring, we have always found ways to avoid that.

"Jamie!" Rachael yelling at me breaks me from the time machine in my mind. I look over at her and smile, "sorry I was spaced out there, I guess." Rachael looked at me and shook here head. "You guess? You were like a million miles away from me there, anything wrong hot stuff?" I smiled at his little sentiment for me. Looking at her straight in the eye, "no everything is great!" I squeezed her hand to reassure her that I was happy and wanted to be doing what we were doing. I know Rachael wanted to know what I had been thinking about, but I didnt want to part with my secret thoughts. My happiness in ... Læs hele novellen

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