The tes fire

The tes fire

Just as they were about to do the final test-firing of new lazer weapon,one of the members of a weapons specialist team goes out of the protective room to retrieve something in the test chamber,only to suddenly have himself placed in the line of fire.

It had all started on June 18th,which was when a handsome scientist named Martin Langham had arrived at an abandoned warehouse,got out of his car and walked over to the door,only to have him reach into his pocket,pull out and gaze upon a picture of his estranged ladylove,Melissa Broderick and wish to God that something would happen to help him return to her.

But that was before Martins best friend and fellow scientist,Carl Langella had opened the door,tapped on Martins shoulder and asked,"Hey,Doctor Frankenstein.Are you coming in to work or what?"

"Oh,sorry about that,Carl.Yes,Im coming in.",answered Martin,after he had taken a deep breath,placed the picture back inside his pocket and stepped into the building."Its just that Melissa and I had gotten into this big arguement about the project that were doing for the U.S. Defense Department,which had resulted in her breaking up with in big time."

"Oh,Jeezus Fucking Shit!",said Carl,after they had reached a large metal door and he had started pressing the numbers 216-285-440 on the keypad next to it."Oh,well.At least,we should look at it this way.After she had finally calm herself down and realized that she wa being too hasty,Melissa will run back,wrap her arms around you and apologize."

"You really think so,do you?",asked a skeptical Martin,just before Carl had let out a small chuckle,turned his head towards his best buddy and answered,"My friend,I happen to know so."

And then,after Carl had pressed the enter button and the door had opened by itself,the two friends had walked into a room behind the door which has a large cannon-type weapon housed inside of it.

Just then,while the two guys had looked at the big gun and wondered to themsel... Læs hele novellen

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