Between two brothers

Between two brothers

John and I had only been dating for a couple months so I was surprised when he asked if I wanted to go with him to visit his brother in Boston. We were at that weird point in a relationship when things are just on the verge of going deeper. There had not been any talk about whether we were exclusive or not, but I wasn’t dating anyone else and did not have any desire to do so. Just a week earlier a coworker asked me out and I turned him down because of John so I thought I was ready for something more, even if I did find the thought of getting serious scary. I’d been with some really crappy guys in the past and I was afraid I would make the same mistake again. Not that John was like any of my exes, in fact he could not have been more different than the guy I dated for eight years. I wondered if John inviting me along to Boston meant he wanted to get more serious. It would be our first overnight trip together. We’d only just started staying overnight at each other’s places a couple weeks before. I knew John was really into me, he was always telling me how much he missed me when we weren’t together, but he could be hard to read emotionally.

I was also surprised John wanted me along because I knew he and his brother, Eric, were very close and whenever they got together it was like they regressed right back to wild twenty-year-old college students. Eric was actually two years older than John at thirty-two and more settled than his younger brother. While John was an associate professor at a local university, Eric was a star web designer in Boston and had worked on just about every major website of note in New England. From how John described it I knew Eric’s loft was every overgrown boy’s dream, stuffed with any electronic toy and extreme sports gear you could think of. That was a big thing for the brothers, extreme sports. Together they’d gone mountain biking down some of the most challenging trails in North America and had even tried helo-skiing once. On his own Joh... Læs hele novellen

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