Cyber with elaiine

Cyber with elaiine

This is a fantasy that I wrote for my cyber lover and friend Elaine. Her posting are here for you to read "My first time" etc. She is very talented and I am only moderately so. We have a lot of fun with these and I hope you like this one. Some day Elaine and I will meet in real life and what a time it will be. Kisses to you my sweet.

It was spring 2005 and Rick was on a three day holiday in the pretty town of New Hope in Pennsylvania. The town was old and situated on the Delaware River just up from Trenton. With his wife and two other couples they were having a marvelous time, having just arrived a few hours ago and at lunch waiting for their rooms to be readied. There was lively chatter and Rick seemed a bit aloof looking around the room and observing people as is his want.

The waitress, a very pretty young black girl, was busily serving drinks and salads. She glanced at Rick a few times, noticing he was older, maybe 55 or 60, but strangely attractive. Not that she was into white guys but none the less, interesting.

Rick listened to the banter at his table and heard enough to laugh when it was appropriate but didn’t really join in. His mind was occupied with looking at people. There was a stir at the door as a young couple entered. It looked like a husband and wife and she looked familiar. She was pretty and very curvy with longish auburn hair and lively face. He wished he could see her eyes but it was a bit dark in that end of the room. He had a pang of recognition. He knew that face from somewhere. It was killing him not being able to remember. He turned his attention to his group but glanced at the auburn beauty regularly.

Elaine was there for a retreat also. She and hubby were trying to get away for a few days. Catch some breathing room from the hectic pace of life in northern New Jersey. As they were being seated, she noticed the older gentleman glancing at her and was stunned to recognize him as the guy she carried on a running... Læs hele novellen

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Hotwife 22, 22

Jeg er en hotwife på 22 år, som kan lide at skrive noveller. Jeg vil gerne inspireres af en moden Bull til min nye novelle. Skriv til mig....

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Sexistisk kvinde sjov lege, er spændt på på at læse lidt

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