Holy asss of antioch

Holy asss of antioch

The holy ass of Antioch was the most protected ass in the Nine Kingdoms. Eunuchs trained for twenty years just to have the honor of guarding the holy ass from unwanted intrusion. The ass was attended upon by a squadron of vestal virgins who made sure that it radiated with raw sexual energy and power. The ass was the important symbol of Antioch and it was said that it if it was ever besmirched or entered, the great kingdom would fall. Yes, this ass was more important to the king and the people of the kingdom than anything else. This included the woman who owned the ass.

Jocasta Marten was a depressed woman. She was the possessor of the holy ass of Antioch and for it she dined on the finest gourmet dishes, bathed in the most luxurious oils, and sat on only the most comfortable and soft silk pillows. To many this was the considered the peak of living, but to Jocasta the glamour was fading. She felt trapped in her gilded temple as her servants and her guards prevented her from completing even the simplest task least it somehow blemish her perfect round ass.

Furthermore, she was passing a state of horniness into a sort of crazed desperation. She had not had sex since she became the holy ass, because men could not be trusted to enter only her pussy and not her ass. On top of that, all the men who gazed upon her fell in love with her ass first and the rest of her a distant second or third. She was offered the joys of Sapphic sex earlier to compensate for the lack of male attention, but she could not bring herself to accept such an act.

A year past, a priest made for her a false cock made from a mold of the king that she could use on her pussy and pussy alone. It had satisfied for a good six months, but now she began to feel the cravings for something more, something real once again. Furthermore, she became entranced as well with the power of her anus. She began to dream of having her holy, perfect ass violated. She could feel her sphincter pulsate with the idea ... Læs hele novellen

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