

The ringing of the phone brought a few choice words to katlins lips as she laid the vibrator aside. "HELLO!" she snapped at the caller.

"Excuse me young lady dont take that tone with me!"

"Oops, sorry Master I didnt know it was you, my apologies."

"Now what were you doing to put you in such a bitter tone of voice?"

A blush filled katlins cheeks as that little girl voice crept in, I was using the vibrator on my clit Master."

"Ah I see, so let me understand, correct me if Im wrong, YOUR clit? I do recall that ALL of you belong to me including that clit young lady!" he said with a stern tone.

"Well Master you know what I meant, any ways, I was playing with my clit when the phone rang and was just getting into it so naturally I got a bit ill from being disturbed."

"Katlin, put away your toys, bath and dress and meet me at the office in one hour!"

The phone suddenly went dead. Either Master was mad or someone had come in and he had to leave in a hurry. Glancing over at the clock it read 10.45, perhaps he was taking her to an early lunch with him. Jumping up she ran to the shower, bathed blew her hair dry and climbed into a skirt, and button up blouse, crew socks and sneakers.

Bouncing in the office like a kid heading out for an Easter egg hunt, Katlin entered her Masters office. He sat there with his hands folded in front of him, his dark brown eyes glistening with mischief. Standing he reached for his jacket and then took Katlins hand in his, pulling her behind him and to his car. Not one word was exchanged, Katlin could tell from the silence he was not happy with her but couldnt figure out what for.

Pulling into a subdivision in an area unknown to katlin, he pulled the car up to a carport and stopped. Getting out of the car he crooked his finger and motioned for her to follow. Entering the hallway, they took several steps and then Master opened a doorway to the left. Following steps leading downward and into a huge room filled with gym equ... Læs hele novellen

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