The true pain of false accusations

The true pain of false accusations



"Kill the witch!"

The trial had gone on for months. Citizen after citizen had come forward, accusing the young woman of bewitching them into committing lewd, lascivious acts. There were acts involving women with men, women with women, men with men, and one odd accusation involving three men, a goat, and a broomstick. That one even startled the numb, scared young woman who was chained to the heavy defendants chair.

At first the accusations, while indecent and malicious, were known to go on in the shadows anyway. Most of those involved inciting lustful looks and light petting between adolescents or otherwise married adults. When the blacksmith was caught ogling the preachers wife, he called witchcraft. He did the same, as did she, when he was caught with his head under her skirts.

As the trial progressed, the accusations became more numerous and more lecherous. Of course, "for absolute clarity and judgment", the judge would have the "victims" recall everything in explicit detail, often having the women show the jury where on their persons something had taken place. Sometimes he would even have them show the jury any lingering marks from the encounter. The courtroom having been cleared of all women, being considered too delicate to be subjected to recollections of such vile behavior, crowds of "respectable" men would stare in astonishment at bruises, bitemarks, and broken blood vessels.

A half dozen women had stood before the crowd, bared to the waist, displaying their ill-handled breasts.

Two busty, bubbling blondes, known to be friends since birth, had shown how they had been witched into removing the hair from their nether regions before taking the clean flesh in each others mouths. To the amazement of the room, when the exhibition showed the girls obvious arousal, they both began crying witchcraft as they began furiously masturbating. On the premise that disturbing either the witch or her current victims would convince h... Læs hele novellen

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